Friday, November 29, 2019
Soteriology Essay Example
Soteriology Essay Jesus violent death is a part of the mystery of Godââ¬â¢s plan where his establishment of the eternal plan of predestination was based on a personââ¬â¢s free response to his grace. God has permitted the acts that flowed from the blindness of man for the sole purpose of accomplishing his plan of salvation. It reflects total obedience even in the midst of suffering and pain to do the will of God for the greater good and salvation of mankind. It is the humble predestination of defeating sin, condemning human nature of self, and beginning to look into the mystery of Godââ¬â¢s love by an act of sacrifice nobody would ever understand the need to contain the entire wrath and the consequences of sin by mere defeat of his death out of the Blessed Trinityââ¬â¢s love for mankind. For man has been so proud that human nature does not know how to stoop down in humility to beg for Godââ¬â¢s forgiveness that God has sent his only begotten Son to show us the way how to manifest atonement of our sins done by the act of selfless love. Jesus has exhibited everything that a person finds contrary to the strength of human nature which is being subjected to extreme suffering, temptation, hunger, thirst even death. Everything that Jesus has done on the face of the earth is done to perform the will of God in order to appease his wrath and to restore our fellowship or that image of a father and son relationship. This implies that the only way to Godââ¬â¢s kingdom and favor is through the cross which seems to please him and make him grant us forgiveness regardless of the severity of the relationship sin has done to us and the hardness of our hearts. We will write a custom essay sample on Soteriology specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Soteriology specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Soteriology specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer God loves us so much that he taught us how to return the favor of that selfless love. The subjective cleansing of the sinner is a continuing process as the redemption was purchased by Jesus from the ruler of this world applied by the Holy Spirit to those who lay down his freewill to follow the mystery of salvation and to those who accepted the unfathomed cleansing of the soul by the suffering one gets from what God has sent to restore us to his flock. The pain that strikes us serves to soften our hearts, cleanse our body and soul, and open our doors to wisdom nobody can ever comprehend but only those who had undergone the process of complete surrender and seeking Godââ¬â¢s face amidst the chaos of theà mind brought about by the chaos of this world[1]. Where in this process, at the lowest moment of your life, man will come to meet God, know him, and desire to know him more. This reaches out to the supernatural being of God through spirituality, not basic but deep spirituality. The unfolding of Godââ¬â¢s nature and the development of the relationship is incomparable. He who reveals himself to the one who seeks him gives him the strength and the capability to live in entire poverty and dire simplicity but still is at peace and comfortable with himself. Nothing can ever substitute the peace and happiness that we feel when the Holy Spirit reveals himself and teach you wisdom in consolation. God just wanted to be your God, for you to seek his face, gain a part of his wisdom from the personal teachings of the Holy Spirit, and maintain the desire to live in constant fellowship with him in humility and complete surrender of freewill. Man will and can only truly understand love and true care from the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the greater understanding of the word. The Holy Spiritââ¬â¢s revelations and teachings enables us how to become pleasing in the eyes of God. The process is personal and is different in every person noted by the change in the personââ¬â¢s heart, facial expression, and the only time that mind and heart comes into agreement molding anew our values and our faith. It is indeed true that the longest journey of man is his travel from his heart to his mind. The realization is evident when we let conscience, wisdom, and goodness shape our hearts and our mind, there is a definite change in views and reflections of maturity in a different kind of spiritual level. Understanding the process requires an openness of the heart, meditation, and prayer where we keep the sphere of seeking Godââ¬â¢s face. Knock the doors of heaven as the blood of Jesus has knocked at the doors of his Father to open the way for us. We as sinners has been spared because Jesus took our places and died in our stead.à His death emerges as the central truth in the Christian doctrine of redemption: the atonement, which is the very significance of Jesus death. He was wounded for our transgressions and out of indebtedness we follow his instruction to always remember the passion and offer him in the altar at the holy mass so our prayers and sacrifices will be accepted by the Father in atonement of our sins by making him remember the paschal mystery of the blood of the lamb that has freely merited life for us and by which God has reconciled us to himself and to one another. The very concept of the substitution of the bread and wine to the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ offered in the Holy Mass through the sacrament of consecration serves us three things: adoration, thanksgiving, and expiation. Jesus was exhibited here as the only mediator and pleasing sacrifice between God and man. The sacrifice is very easy to see indeed but this serves as the cornerstone of our belief. Manââ¬â¢s response to God in faith professes his witnessing to the existence of God whom we cannot see but is revealed in many ways around us and in the events of our lives. Recognition of the mystery of substitution is only captured through the eyes of faith. The desire for God is already written in the hearts of man waiting for the response of faith to accept and trust him to be our God in all entireties as a person and by complete surrender of freewill. When God allows circumstances to refine us through suffering, it is an opportunity to gain insight to the meaning of life and what and where it has taken us. We believe that everything happens for a reason. In todayââ¬â¢s world where modernism has changed a lot of hand me down traditions and practices of the church, pain and suffering is necessary as an invitation to oneââ¬â¢s walk of faith. Conversion Conversion is rather recognized as a conversion of the heart rather than a conversion of religion. It is a process of reconciling our person with our creator and our God. It is always done through many forms of human pain and suffering that usually leads us to the doors of repentance, an act of acknowledging oneââ¬â¢s sin and admission of oneââ¬â¢s transgressions. It is that one moment in our life when we come to know what we lack in ourselves and what we miss in our life that ultimately leads us to seek the face of God and abstain in a lot of worldly matters to be able to see him. We ought to suffer in silence and seek him in silence. Silence is hearing the word of the Holy Spirit, taking his presence and gaining his wisdom leading us to read and know God more through the Holy Scriptures. True to its sense, the word is the bread of life, feeding us, feeding our souls. As the days passed, the Holy Spirit will accompany us to our travels of a holy life. Keeping us stronger by its power to envelope us with his presence and of his love. As the days passed, we come to meet a lot of people and a lot of reality that serves to nourish our understanding of life devoid of the faculties of intelligence but always seeing the person and the environment the way the Holy Spirit wants us to see them. It is with this development, that we come to fulfill the sole requirement of faith which we derived from our own travails of faith experience changing us, refining us. It is at this time that we hunger more of Godââ¬â¢s word, thirst for his presence, cry for our sinfulness that we have a lot of flashbacks in the past. A lot of it are the sins that we have to know to realize and understand are keeping us away from him. And so we come to confess and cry during the process of reparation to reach out to him wanting to hold and hug him but there is only faith and that feeling of presence that is left in us to confirm his existence. It is something that we know is not there but we are confident it exist and is guiding us for our goodness sake. Wishing he could be present himself in human form so we can talk to him like we talk to other people. But no, with him it is different, we cry a lot, we suffer, and yet we become stronger and experience a different kind of peace while immersing ourselves in his presence during deep prayers and quite time. We can never meet him if we donââ¬â¢t seek him with all our heart and we donââ¬â¢t empty ourselves before his throne (ECCCE 1994). Our soul is very lonely without him and it is through the challenge of silence that we denounce the world, clean our houses, cast out a lot of worldly attachments and make way for the presence. We can never let the Holy Spirit come into our hearts if we are so full of worldly preoccupation. This is the very rationale of emptiness which means being devoid of worldly attachments and focus our minds, body, hearts to him and him alone. Repentance is more on looking for our faults and how our tongue and our actions have hurt others and feeling gravely sorry for everything that you have done to hurt God and to hurt other people. It is never a means to justify our actions against righteousness. It is always seeing our faults and asking forgiveness for what we have done to restore our relationship with God in every minute of our lives. Genuine conversion lies in the hearts of man and not in the verbal proclamation of plainly believing and being saved. Conversion is closing the doors of sin, the ultimate dying of self and letting the Holy Spirit guide us to become a part of his divine plan leading us to the unknown but yet fulfilling the ultimate part of making us new in all humility. When we humbly seek the face of God and seek for his fellowship, we ask first for his forgiveness and seek to cleanse our hearts through repentance and confession. It is a matter of professing our faith from the very experiences and witnessing God has so kindly affords us to experience through tears and mostly tears. We die first on our sins and come to live again renewed manifesting the typology of the dynamic movement of the fulfillment of the divine plan where we came to live for God and God alone. And such is the force and power of God that has supported the Church all through the ages. Man then is being given the grace of faith by the workings of the Holy Spirit who moves hearts and converts it for God which makes it justifiably easy for the person to wholeheartedly accept the truth and believe and choose God to be God. Without faith it is not possible to see God and attain his fellowship. As we were never coerced to believe in him we are always invited to believe in him where from our acceptance the Holy Spirit can freely work in us to serve him in spirit and in truth. Regeneration then is being felt and known by the converted sinner the moment he is always envelope by peace, freedom, joy and hearing to sensing the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit does not stop working is us, it is then and only when we are so preoccupied with the pace and attachments of this world that we are unable to hear him. This is why we have to discipline ourselves and commune with God in silence to hear his guidance and feel his presence always inside and beside us the way he wants us to feel and know him. We can never choose, for God alone knows the way our hearts run and in him alone can we find the satisfaction and longing our hearts so desires. He is everything, the way to peace, the way to love, the way to fulfillment in life for we are created for him and him alone but given the freewill to accept or deny his invitation. At times when we are so low and everything else is gone. When we come to know that our world is falling apart and that we are left to master the treachery of this world alone in our failures, we donââ¬â¢t give up and commit suicide. It is a matter of going in circles round your room to analyze why this has happen in your life. Maybe it is but proper for humanity to fail. Sickness and failure in every sense has come to claim your life and it is inevitably making suicide seem to be the only option for all the frustrations and the disappointments felt therein. Come to pause a moment and cry and reach out to heaven, maybe shout to the Lord. You will realize that he always comes to the rescue, because that was his personal invitation to accept his fellowship known as the CUE. When we respond in faith accepting his invitation with our freewill, the process of conversion of the heart will then start to transform us to almost the goodness of his image gaining a part of his wisdom from the workings of the Holy Spirit. This is the real conversion experience one must welcome in tears and joy. The contrary emotional attributes of the failures, frustrations, pain, and hurt in any form but it is now our reality, we feel what we feel maybe a lot of it we donââ¬â¢t understand and just happen to meet during the refinement process. Our spirituality change and the way we deal with people and the world change. Seeing and understanding the complexities of human nature while praying for them is another gift of the converted repentant sinner. We start to see our environment in the light of blessing and pure gratitude of how God has provided for us and come to see people in the light of our spirituality which makes us understand how we lack patience and humility to begin to love the most difficult attitude for the love and sake of our God. With him everything else is new and amazingly different based on the real measures of faith and love that we come to bow and kneel before his throne as a child, never an ad ult, always as a child, the way he wants us to be in his presence: a child of God. Sanctification and perseverance: its context and its meaning Faith needs nurturing. The word of God does it all: strengthening us, molding us like a potterââ¬â¢s clay, transforming our hearts in the process of conversion, refining our souls like gold perfectly refined in fire in the process of purification, and claiming us back to his arms. Sanctification may be seen as a progressive continuing process in us. à The Holy Spirit sanctifies us, guides us and strengthens us on our continuous struggle over sin and being steadfast in our obedience to God. Sanctification focuses on predestined Godââ¬â¢s plan where favors predict setting apart a person for a specific divine purpose from those who have not yet received the gospel. The moment we are saved in Jesus we are immediately sanctified and begin the process of conforming to the image of Jesus (Hoekema 1989). Sanctification is actually an inward spiritual process. God brings holiness and change in our hearts by the works of the Holy Spirit. God has given us both opportunity and responsibility to work out our own sanctification seen as a challenge in the aspect of our Christian walk to be a vessel of honor, sanctified and prepared for every good work in the mystery of Godââ¬â¢s plan. Our spiritual union with God through prayers comforts us in our hardships making us overly sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit from where we gather the strength to overcome sin. Faced with Godââ¬â¢s fascinating and mysterious presence, man uncovers his own insignificance called by grace to a covenant with his creator in a matter of position and progression on our response of faith and love. For in the history of creation God has created everything for man where manââ¬â¢s role is to serve and love God alone and offer all creation back to him. Sanctification is every believerââ¬â¢s responsibility to seek righteousness drawn from the changed on his mindââ¬â¢s purpose and intent involving relative quite comparative changed on qualities and disposition. Partaking of Godââ¬â¢s grace affects the soul first then progresses to the body as both are capable to manifest total obedience to the will of God. Sanctification represents the idea of position or relationship existing between God and a person consecrated to him based on the concept of the Holy Spirit leadings on moral and spiritual qualities which is the fundamental tool in development of inner values towards holiness. It is the concept of consecration of thought and devotion to the service of God which explains what is set aside from the world for God should also separate himself from the defilement of this world in order to share and obtain Godââ¬â¢s purity. It is a never ending process indeed we are being asked to persevere in our watch so we wonââ¬â¢t be t aken by the adversary who is more than willing to snatch poor souls from the cradle of love. The converted personââ¬â¢s thread of moralism is solely dependent on his relation with God and of the grace of God. To live a life of virtue, man merits the approval of God by a life of poverty, penance, and good works. Sanctification is a supernatural impartation of a new infused energy of the divine life where the soul is lifted to a new level or higher order of being enabling it to achieve the destiny of divination by knowing, possessing, and enjoying God. This imparts in us the permanent habit of inherent righteousness to carry within ourselves this sanctifying grace to perfection as in the case of the saints who willingly suffers, sacrifices themselves in full consummation of the soul for the glory of God. This procedure is not applicable to a group but is rather individualistic and defines a very personal relationship with God nobody can ever possess or take except for whom it was destined and given. An overwhelming grace of being subjected to the holy presence of God affecting our senses gratifying us to saintly disposition where by its revelation is being transmitted to this world affecting other people like a disease which also attempts to influence their own conversion of hearts. It is a kind of a contagious inner happiness and holiness radiating to the other person affecting him and his state of being through constant exposure of the rays of holiness invading his senses affecting his stands in this world for the greater good. Of course this is very different from the definition of sex appeal but the idea of radiating is more like it but intensely contagious. Sanctification takes place at the crisis of death and resurrection of the dead which was thoroughly described in our discussion on death to sin and renewal of life in faith and by the grace of the Holy Spirit. We must realize that in the conversion one undergoes death and afterwards resurrection by response of faith to Godââ¬â¢s invitation. The soulââ¬â¢s death and the soulââ¬â¢s resurrection are partly the work of God and partly the work of man as believers cooperate. The instrumentality of man as a rational being requires free cooperation of all his faculties much more on his intelligence. Sanctification is absolutely requesting diligence and perseverance in the employment of the means which at times faith may seem to falter because of the soulââ¬â¢s weariness and the human bodyââ¬â¢s limitation to absorb pain and hurt from the other inhabitants of this world. Communion with God in deep prayer is the only thing that gives us consolation by the inexplicable joy felt when granted of his presence by the merits of grace and tears. One may consider the strength of the grace to be able to make the shift from this world to the domains of the supernatural world. And it will take a lot of effort on manââ¬â¢s part to come back to continue to live on this world if one has already experienced being in the supernatural world of God. This entirely different world sometimes frustrates the sanctified soul for he never would want to come back to this world again but rather choose to remain in the domains of the supernatural where God does not allow extensions on feeling the presence of his grace. It happens only in a matter of seconds or even minutes where the soul has no concern of time merely satiating the longings of his soul. We have to come back to this world because each of the sanctified soul has a role to play and their lives are a part of Godâ â¬â¢s plan of salvation. The soul then makes the body persevere in a lot of ways or by which God has sent to us to make us able to bear difficulties and hardships in silence, calmly, and without complaints always offering every drop of tear for the mortification and salvation of our own souls and of the souls of others. The amazing grace leaves us lasting impressions on selfless love. Our role as Christians is to support each other for the love of Christ and of the salvation of other men to build up the body of Christ and the church. Considering ourselves as the temple of the Holy Spirit, we are then to commit ourselves to help rebuild the body by the help of the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit always teaching us to pray through the heart and not by the mind. When prayers shift from the mind to the heart then and only then we will be able to obtain the tools to endure the means. A believer may persevere until the end always enduring or lose his salvation in a blink of an eye by getting back to the sins he once denounced. It has been always easy to step backwards than forward on to holiness. The jump could be so fatal to the soul and to the body. Holiness needs deep prayer and daily communion with God. We must allow ourselves to be silent to be able to listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit. We must allow the Holy Spirit to teach us the real meaning of the scriptures and apply it in our respective reality. Man must understand that without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, interpretation may vary and may lead us astray. Prayer, silence, meditation and continuous praise and adoration are very important in maintaining our relationship with God acting as our strength to be able to endure and persevere until the end of our time. The solution to prevent our fall is always annotated from our basic responses of faith. The biblical teachings of the assurance of salva tion always rotate on faith and perseverance of the soul. Predestination and election Arminianism is a teaching on predestination as a pathway already mapped out for all the foreknown. It stands on the belief that whatever God has decreed with regards to man has been founded on the foresight of their conduct. The idea of God respecting freewill is not eternal but is made in time. Armenians hold that God foreseeing from all eternity predicts that some people will repent and believe in him and so elects them to everlasting life. Election is the act of choosing the person God wants to bestow his saving grace like the election of Christ and of Israel. Foreseeing others to continue to sin God does no further attempts to save but instead leaves them to perish (Hill Hill 1842). Calvinistic doctrines on election and predestination describe Godââ¬â¢s mercy as a mystery offered to a predestined elect group of individuals. God being the alpha and the omega knows how things will run in the past, present and the future. His foreknowledge of events is indeed amazing enough to call for equality in his attempts to save mankind based from manââ¬â¢s freewill and response of faith. Godââ¬â¢s grace can never act if man does not respond to accept his offer of redemption. It is that one thing in the context of man that God respects never imposing his will upon man always respecting the power of choice. He loves to be chosen and loved in the foundations of trust and faith and not by the mere imposition of it. Jesus has made the official sacrifice for the salvation of every man without exception. But the idea of conversion always meets halfway: Godââ¬â¢s offer and manââ¬â¢s acceptance. God chooses us out because we have special roles to play in his divine plan of salvation and whatever is the motive of the choosing is beyond the understanding and philosophical analysis of man otherwise God wonââ¬â¢t be God and man will play God. It is this supernatural high degree of intellectuality that separates God from the structure of his creation. What he decides and wills is always for the greater good of mankind and not just for the glory of a certain group or person. For we do not see only those who have benefited greatly in physical strength out of his saving grace like Israel but rather continue our search on the whys and how on the sufferings of the saints and why they were chosen to suffer. Faith, relationship, and salvation play different roles beyond the comprehension of man. God pr actices equality and has sent the invitation to everyone. It is entirely within our reach, if and only if we believe and accept him in complete surrender of our will that he can freely work in us. Favors therefore lies in our hearts and faith and from those who prayed for us to obtain one. nbsp;
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Narritave Essay
Narrative Essay PAGE1 My name is J. Iââ¬â¢m going to tell you about something very frightening that happened to me. It all started with me and a few of my friends. I got a call around ten oââ¬â¢clock on a Saturday night. It was my friend Aaron, who wanted to know if I was going out. I told him that I had been planning to go to Club South Beach. This club is located at 5 Dove St. on Hilton Head Island. We met up inside the club at half past eleven. Then Aaronââ¬â¢s older brother Sheldon showed up. We started to drink a bit, dance, and have fun. You know the type of things that should be done at a dance club. Sheldon and I were not drunk but Aaron was buzzing at bit. This created a problem because when Aaron gets drunk he tends to enjoy fighting. It was around one oââ¬â¢clock when my cell phone rang. It was my best friend Isaac. He told me to bring myself, Aaron, and Sheldon to Club Life. This club was just around the corner so it was no problem to go there, so we did. Isaac was there with Chelesy, Vicki, Karen, Beau and a few of our other friends. We all started dancing, drinking and just having fun there. Aaron was not always dancing in the little group that we formed though. He seemed to be making his way around the club dancing with all the other ladies. Then out of nowhere a catfight* broke out. It was a pretty nasty one. The two girls were fighting like grown men, with PAGE 2 their fists balled up. *A catfight is two ladies fighting. It was around 1:45 when the DJ said last call. We quickly went to the bar so we could all have a Red-Headed-Slut*. Then all of us proceeded to make our way out the door to exit the club. We stood out side the club for a while then we went to the end of the walkway to talk in one large group. We were about five minutes into a group discussion when two Mexicans in an old Cammaro pulled up. They were obviously drunk... Free Essays on Narritave Essay Free Essays on Narritave Essay Narrative Essay PAGE1 My name is J. Iââ¬â¢m going to tell you about something very frightening that happened to me. It all started with me and a few of my friends. I got a call around ten oââ¬â¢clock on a Saturday night. It was my friend Aaron, who wanted to know if I was going out. I told him that I had been planning to go to Club South Beach. This club is located at 5 Dove St. on Hilton Head Island. We met up inside the club at half past eleven. Then Aaronââ¬â¢s older brother Sheldon showed up. We started to drink a bit, dance, and have fun. You know the type of things that should be done at a dance club. Sheldon and I were not drunk but Aaron was buzzing at bit. This created a problem because when Aaron gets drunk he tends to enjoy fighting. It was around one oââ¬â¢clock when my cell phone rang. It was my best friend Isaac. He told me to bring myself, Aaron, and Sheldon to Club Life. This club was just around the corner so it was no problem to go there, so we did. Isaac was there with Chelesy, Vicki, Karen, Beau and a few of our other friends. We all started dancing, drinking and just having fun there. Aaron was not always dancing in the little group that we formed though. He seemed to be making his way around the club dancing with all the other ladies. Then out of nowhere a catfight* broke out. It was a pretty nasty one. The two girls were fighting like grown men, with PAGE 2 their fists balled up. *A catfight is two ladies fighting. It was around 1:45 when the DJ said last call. We quickly went to the bar so we could all have a Red-Headed-Slut*. Then all of us proceeded to make our way out the door to exit the club. We stood out side the club for a while then we went to the end of the walkway to talk in one large group. We were about five minutes into a group discussion when two Mexicans in an old Cammaro pulled up. They were obviously drunk...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Welfare Reform Affects Us All Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Welfare Reform Affects Us All - Essay Example Roosevelt signed into law the Social Security Act. This provided for many social programs aimed at helping people recover and get back on their feet. Within this legislation was provision for the unemployed, affordable housing, medical insurance, food assistance, as well as Aid to Families with Dependent Children. There were also many management agencies created to monitor the situation and ensure that the benefits were actually performing to their maximum potential; however, somewhere along the way, something went terribly wrong. What started out as a stopgap measure to help the nation get back on its feet again quickly blossomed into an aid-dependency mentality that has spanned three generations. Itââ¬â¢s a well known fact that anytime a person is given rights without being held accountable for those rights, respect for those rights falls. This is part of what has happened in our country with regards to social programs. Many people have developed not only a dependency, but also an entitlement concept that produces antisocial behavior and beliefs. So much so that in 1994, the Welfare, Food Stamps, and Medicaid programs comprised 20% of the national budget. On August 22, 1996, President Clinton signed into law the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act. Initially many politicians were afraid that there would be horrible results with families and children going hungry and becoming homeless. They felt that forcing Welfare recipients to go to work would jeopardize their children who would be left at home to fend for themselves while their primary care taker was at work. Seriously ill people, especially children, would not be able to receive treatment for their conditions and could possibly die. The Leftists Liberals painted a stunning picture of how America would become the scene of another Third World country with abject poverty and lack of basic human needs being met. Parents would be forced to get a divorce in order to get the amount of money needed by a family to actually survive on government assistance. Actually, it was never intended that a family could live happily ever after on government assistance with no need to do anything more than stand in line and reproduce yearly. What actually happened during the Welfare reform was simply amazing. Not only did the doomsday prophets prove to be totally incorrect, but also there was not part of the system that didnââ¬â¢t flourish under the new rules. It was discovered that the main contributors to a badly flawed system were intergenerational poverty, out-of-wedlock births, and system dependency. The very problems that the social programs had sought to eradicate were actually made larger through the programs. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act had these components that made it one of the strongest pieces of legislation aimed at fighting poverty in the late 20th century. Itââ¬â¢s goals were to:1) end Welfare as an entitlement pr ogram, 2) require recipients to secure employment after two years on the system, 3) place a lifetime limit of five years on government assistance programs, 4) support two-parent families and discourage illegitimate births, and 5) enhance child support enforcement. The actual strength of this legislation was the back-to-work ethic for everyone to increase their self-esteem and confidence and decrease their dependency on handouts. People learned that they could become productive members of society again and become part of the solution not only for the economy, but also for their own families. Through increased child support enforcement, fathers could once again take pride in providing for their offspring. Back-to-work training programs gave people the necessary skills needed to enter the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Advanced Corporate Finance Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Advanced Corporate Finance Assignment - Essay Example Johansson declines to any more talks on a merger. Two days later, Pfizer decides to make its interest on AstraZeneca public. It reaches 2nd May, 2014, when Pfizer raises its offer to à £63bn to AstraZeneca. The offer was attached with the pledge for Pfizer to attach its European operations in and 20% of the merged companys workforce be located at Cambridge for the first five years. Still there was a rejection of this second offer by AstraZeneca. AstraZeneca goes ahead on 6th May, 2014, to publish a strategy update that highlighted its drugs in development. On 7th May, there was a call to issue a stronger reassurance by Pfizer. This followed the unrest over the political pressure of job losses and cut on the UK science researchers. A day later, the former science Minister, Lord Sainsbury accuses Pfizer of being an asset stripper, hence urges that the companys takeover interest should be blocked. On 10th May, Read, in a video, on the official Pfizer website, refers to the merger as a win-win situation and prefers the use of AstraZenecas Cambridge science hub and the UKs science researchers in general. Pascal Soriot, who is the chief executive of AstraZeneca, says the merger would risk lives by delaying drug development. Read then admits that the merger would for sure lead to job cuts and reduced research spending. The chair of this committee then writes to the science minister expressing his concerns over the merger case. On 16th May, there was an increased bid by the labors shadow business secretary to block Pfizer from the takeover. The government officials, on 18th May, agreed to amend the terms of the British governments public interest test. In this light, only ministers were allowed to block takeovers after adequate concerns were raised against the takeover. On the same day, Pfizer raised its offer to à £69.4bn which makes AstraZeneca to be very eager to get back into the negotiations. However, AstraZeneca still rejected the last
Monday, November 18, 2019
Unemployment Rate or GDP OR CPI Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Unemployment Rate or GDP OR CPI - Research Paper Example Thus, since GDP is a full representation of economic growth and production, it has a relatively large impact on nearly every aspect in the economy. When a certain economy is considered healthy, there are a number of related characteristics; low rate of unemployment and an increase in the level of wages as many businesses demand more labor in order to cater for the ever growing economy (Brezina, 20). Any slight change in the level of GDP is significant to a given economy since it affects the entire stock market. Economists have always argued that any bad economy is always associated with lower profits which implies that there are lower prices o stock in the markets. Thus, many investors in any economy will ever worry about the negative growth of GDP as it is a sole factor used to determine if an economy is on recession or not. A recession is associated with declining revenues in businesses, unemployment and layoffs (Lochner, 3). Moreover, when the growth rate of GDP is relatively fast, most Federal Reserve raise the rates of interest in order to stem inflation or rather the increasing prices in an economy. This could imply that the loans which are meant for homes and cars will become more expensive and thus businesses will experience high cost of borrowing. GDP is an extremely important measure in any countryââ¬â¢s economy. Despite the fact that GDP cannot be easily determined, its value represents so many aspects in any given economy. This measure is significant to overall spending of a nation since depressions and recessions of a particular country are largely caused by the overall rate of spending. Furthermore, GDP is a measure of confidence since when the government, companies and individuals spend; it is a likely indication of a growing economy. However, when no one is spending, it is a likely indication of a contracting economy. Therefore, this
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Impact of Motivational Tools on Performance
Impact of Motivational Tools on Performance INTRODUCTION Motivation plays a critical role in achieving goals and business objectives and is equally important for companies that work in a team-based environment or in a workplace comprised of workers who work independently. Making sure each employees workplace goals and values are aligned with the organizations mission and vision is important for creating and maintaining a high level of motivation. Many business managers today are not aware of the effects that motivation can (and does) have on their business. The size of your business is irrelevant: whether the size of staff is fifty or just one, everyone needs some form of motivation. The key is to awaken this motivation from within each employee by various methods such as incentives, loyalty, support, discipline, security, and recognition, among others, which in turn will goad each employee to do his or her best. In todays economy more so in knowledge based industry IT, ITES, BPO the biggest task is to motivate and retain the employees .Managers today realize the fact that high staff turnover can prove costly and reward employees with monetary or tangible as well as non-monetary or intangible compensation to limit employee turnover, improve employee morale and job satisfaction and enhance employee performance. Frederick Herzberg is regarded as one of the original pioneers of management and employee motivational theory. His book The Motivation to Work written in 1959, and expanded upon by later books, postulated that there are two very different sets of factors that drive behaviour in the workplace.Ãâà Many other theories since then have also gained currency like the McGregors Theory X and Y, Maslows Motivation Theory of Hierarchy of Needs, Three-Need Theory/ Acquired Need Theory etc. Motivational strategies can help improve employee performance, reduce the chances of low employee morale, encourage teamwork and instill a positive attitude during challenging times. Managers can successfully motivate their employees through empathy, leading by example, Management by Objectives (MBO), fairness to all, rewards, awards and recognition for long-service and good work, opportunity for employees training and development, periodical promotion and increase in take-home pay, welfare package like employees children scholarship, free medical services for employees and their families, recognition of birthdays of employees, the creation of a sense of belonging among all employees, regular feedback from employees, effective communication in the project environment and assurance of employees future within and without the organisation, providing a conducive and attractive working environment for the employees, and instituting conflict resolution management. Nothing motivates better than working in a cohesive team and being seen as part of a success story. Workers are motivated when they are getting results, otherwise, they feel depressed and weak. Other motivating factors are secondary. Managers should be aware that their job is to plan, organise, control, supervise and direct motivated employees to achieve objectives. COMPANY PROFILE Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is Indias largest Fast Moving Consumer Goodsà company, touching the lives of two out of three Indians with over 20 distinct categories inà Home Personal Care Products and Foods Beverages. They endow the company withà a scale of combined volumes of about 4 million tones and sales of Rs.10, 000 cores. HUL is also one of the countrys largest exporters; the Government of India hasà recognized it as a Golden Super Star Trading House. The mission that inspires HULs 36,000 employees, including over 1,350à managers, is to add vitality to life. HUL meets every day needs for nutrition, hygiene,à and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out ofà life. It is a mission HUL share with its parent company, Unilever, which holds 51.55% ofà the equity. The rest of the shareholding is distributed among 380,000 individualà shareholders and financial institutions. HULs brands Food brands Home care brands Personal care brands Water Nutrition Health, hygiene beauty The operations involve over 2,000 suppliers and associates. HULs distribution network, comprising about 7,000 redistribution stockiest, directly covers the entire urban population, and about 250 million rural consumers. HUL has traditionally been a company, which incorporates latest technology in allà its operations. The Hindustan Unilever Research Center (HULRC) was set up in 1958, andà now has facilities in Mumbai and Bangalore. HULRC and the Global Technology Centersà in India have over 200 highly qualified scientists and technologists, many with postdoctoralà experience acquired in the US and Europe. Structure of the organization HUL has about 15,000 employees, including over 1400 managers. DERIVATION OF MODULESAIM The aim of this assignment is to study the motivational techniques modules used in the HUL and comprehend evaluate its ramification on employees output. PREVIEW For the ease of understanding and better assimilation the report is divided into the following subheads: Part I Organization overview. Part II Evolution of Concept. Part III Special motivational Modules. Part IV Recommendations. PART I ORGANIZATION OVERVIEW. COMPANY PROFILE Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is Indias largest Fast Moving Consumer Goods company, touching the lives of two out of three Indians with over 20 distinct categories in Home Personal Care products and Foods Beverages. They endow the company with a scale of combined volumes of about 4 million tones and sales of Rs.10, 000 cores. HUL is also one of the countrys largest exporters; the Government of India has recognized it as a Golden Super Star Trading House. The mission that inspires HULs 36,000 employees, including over 1,350 managers, is to add vitality to life. HUL meets every day needs for nutrition, hygiene, and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of life. It is a mission HUL share with its parent company, Unilever, which holds 51.55% of the equity. The rest of the shareholding is distributed among 380,000 individual shareholders and financial institutions. HULs brands Food brands Home care brands Personal care brands Water Nutrition Health, hygiene beauty The operations involve over 2,000 suppliers and associates. HULs distribution network, comprising about 7,000 redistribution stockiest, directly covers the entire urban population, and about 250 million rural consumers. HUL has traditionally been a company, which incorporates latest technology in all its operations. The Hindustan Unilever Research Center (HULRC) was set up in 1958, and now has facilities in Mumbai and Bangalore. HULRC and the Global Technology Centers in India have over 200 highly qualified scientists and technologists, many with postdoctoral experience acquired in the US and Europe. Structure of the organization HULÃâà has about 15,000 employees, including over 1400 managers. PART II EVOLUTION OF CONCEPT DERIVATION OF MODULESFrederick Herzbergs two-factor theory, a.k.a. intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, concludes that certain factors in the workplace result in job satisfaction, but if absent, they dont lead to dissatisfaction but no satisfaction. Motivators; (e.g. challenging work, recognition, responsibility) which give positive satisfaction. Hygiene factors; (e.g. status, job security, salary and fringe benefits) that do not motivate if present, but, if absent, result in demotivation. These modules apparently derive their inspiration from Herzbergs two factor theory and bear a close affinity to its factors. HUL feels that instead of fixing the working conditions that employees are complaining about, to strives ahead finding new ways of recognizing their efforts. A simple technique is to hold regular meetings where each employee is asked to say what went well for them since the last meeting, what they did that they are especially pleased about. This simple practice gives employees an opportunity to tell their colleagues what they did and get some public recognition for a job well done.The continuing relevance of Herzberg is the fact that there must be some direct connection between performance and reward, whether extrinsic as in recognition or intrinsic as in naturally enjoyable work, to motivate employees to work harder and to improve their job satisfaction. EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION MODULES Objectives: To recognize the achievements of the employees To motivate the employees to perform better To increase the sales revenue and the profit margins of the company Competitive Reward; Reward for Performance HULs reward philosophy is to provide market competitive salary and benefits with a strong linkage between performance and pay as it is a technique to motivate its employee to enhance their performance. Fixed Salary that is competitive with our peer companies Variable Salary that is linked to company and individual performance Equity compensation (at eligible levels) that is linked to long term (3 year) companyà performance and your potential. Benefits and Perquisites aimed at providing you choices. Retirement benefits that are market competitive. PART III SPECIAL MOTIVATIONAL MODULES SPECIAL MOTIVATIONAL MODULES Modules Outline: 1) STAR OF THE MONTH (SOM) This is a performance based award Rating of the employees is done on the grade basis These grades are given on the basis of achievements of targets, best five should be selected. 2) CUSTOMER DELIGHT: This is a performance based award This award should be given to the employees with least number ofà complaints, with most speedy delivery, with most accurate data, withà most orderly data 3) ACHIEVEMENT TALK BOOK (A-T BOOK): All achievements of the employees can be talked in this monthly book This is a very good way of public recognition This book will be circulated at the beginning of every month. 4) STAR OF THE QUARTER (SAQ): This is a performance based award Rating system is required These grades are given on the basis of achievements of targets, best five should be selected 5) THINKING OUT OF THE BOX AWARD -(TOTB) This is the way of idea/suggestion managementà An issue can be put up and employees can be asked to give theirà suggestions or ideas on the concerned issueà Web based applications like emails can be used to collect and evaluate theà suggestions/ideas. Idea/suggestion board can be put up in the cafeteria and learning center, asà these places are easily accessible to all employees. Best ideas would be collected on the monthly basis but rewarded on theà quarterly basis Feedback can be given to the employee through web or through phone,à voice mails etc. 6) ON THE SPOT: This is an on the spot award This award can be given to the employees for their on the spot attitudeà towards some particular situation This is a mere recognition for good and humble gestures towards peer andà presence of mind throughout Their managers give this award to the employee as they can keep aà constant observation on their employees. SOM: SOM is performance-based award, which is measured completely on the basis ofà an employee s performance within the working place. The employee is awarded on theà basis of the rating given to him and this rating of the employees is done on the gradeà basis, which already exist within the organization. These grades are given to theà employees on the basis of their achievements of targets set by their managers orà supervisors. This is a monthly award where employees are rated for a month and then theà deserving candidate is awarded. The best five are selected. PURPOSE: STAR OF THE MONTH award, which is given as per the ratings of an employee. This is a quarterly based award. First of all work plan to the employee of each department is allotted and set target are given. The work plan of an employee consists of PARAMETERS and the MILESTONES to be achieved. These MILESTONES have some POINTS allotted. REWARDS: The department head takes the final decision and gives away the award to the employees on the ceremony-honoring employee ceremony. 2) CUSTOMER DELIGHT: Customer delight is again a performance-based award, which is given to the employees for performing well. As we know that an employee not only has external customers but also internal customers i.e. the employee of the other departments An employee has to deal with various other employees within the branch, they can be from the same department as well as other department. Thus the employee With the least number of complaints With most speedy delivery of data With most accurate data With most orderly data The employees get to fill a customer delight form on basis of which the most suitable candidate is selected for this award. Maximum of 5 employees can be selected for the award. The customer delight form is as follows: I AM DELIGHTED!!! MY NAME MY DESIGNATION MY DEPARTMENT I VOTE FOR HIS/HER NAME: HIS/HER DESIGNATION: HIS/HER DEPARTMENT: I VOTE BECAUSE: I HAVE NO COMPLAINTS AGAINST THIS EMPLOYEE THIS EMPLOYEE PROVIDES A SPEEDY DELIVERY THIS EMPLOYEE PRODUCES ACCURATE DATA THIS EMPLOYEE PRODUCES MOST ORDERLY DATA THIS EMPOYEE SHOWS A DECENT CONDUCT OTHER REASONS____________________________________________________________ WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF HE/SHE DID NOT DO WHAT HE/SHE DID?_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ THINGS I WOULD DO TO EXPRESS MY THANX:___________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE PURPOSE: Customer delight is an award to promote and recognize employees forà outstanding customer service. REWARDS: Department heads makes the final decision. A ceremony-honoring employee isà conducted where the 3 employees are awarded for their outstanding customer service. The head of the branch would give away the award on the ceremony day. 3) A-T BOOK: A-T Book is a monthly issue of a book, which is circulated in all departments of the office. This book talks about the achievements of the employee and gives them the peer recognition in this form. As every employee loves to be recognized at his working place and amongst the people he works with, this is a very effective form and way of recognizing ones performances. This book consists of: Detailed information about the employees who have achieved some milestoneà during the month. The detail of the day and month of the achieved milestone. Birthday wishes are sent to the employees through this book. Various articles or precious experiences of employees. PURPOSE: A-T book is an ACHIEVEMENT TALK BOOK, which provides anà employee, with the public recognition amongst the peers in the organization. This book isà a great means of boosting the confidence and recognizing the performances and deeds ofà an employee in public. This recognition makes him/her feel recognized and motivatedà and definitely proves to be a boon in improving performance. REWARDS: No one gives away this award as this recognition comes in a book form and talks about people s achievements. Public recognition to all the achievers. 4) SAQ: SAQ award is again a performance-based award, which is measured completelyà on the basis of an employee s performance within the working place. The employee isà awarded on the basis of the rating given to him and this rating of the employees is doneà on the grade basis, which already exist within the organization. These grades are given to the employees on the basis of their achievements of targets set by their managers or supervisors. This is a quarterly award where employees are rated for a quarter and then the deserving candidate is awarded. The best five are selected. PURPOSE: STAR OF THE QUARTER award, is given as per the ratings of an employee. This is a quarterly based award. Targets for the quarter are given which is the parameter to judge PARAMETERS and the MILESTONES to be achieved. These MILESTONES have some POINTS allotted. REWARDS: The department head takes the final decision and the branch head gives away theà award to the employees on the ceremony-honoring employee ceremony. 5) TOTB: Every individual in this world has a viewpoint and has an idea or a suggestion waiting to pop out of his/her brain. So if these suggestions or ideas of the employees inà the organization are used in a fruitful and an effective manner can work wonders for anà organization. Thus it is really important to have an idea/suggestion management in anà organization. This scheme of TOTB is a quarterly award. According to this scheme an issue can be put up in the cafeteria and learning center as the employees have a frequent and easy access to these places, and hence the employees can present these ideas and suggestions. Now since collecting and evaluating the ideas is a major work, it can be done through web base applications like: emails, intranet etc. PURPOSE: The TOTB award is THINKING OUT OF THE BOX AWARD. This award isà given to the employee/employees for their capability of giving some much neededà extraordinary suggestion or idea to the branch management, the suggestion which is helpsà the management come out of crisis or helps the management to save the maximum andà gets implemented is the best suitable for this award. This award is to foster employee suggestions to improve and cut downs in financial terms which ultimately help in productivity. REWARDS: Department head makes the final decision, and the branch head gives away theà award. 6) ON THE SPOT AWARD: Some deeds of employees on a daily basis are so humble that they need to beà recognized. It is sometimes not possible to recognize every individual on a daily basis,à thus at such time recognizing an individual on the spot is an important and a sensibleà thing to do. According to this scheme employees can be awarded: To the employees for their on the spot attitude towards some particularà situation For good and humble gestures towards peer and presence of mindà Throughout PURPOSE: ON THE SPOT award is neither a monthly nor a quarterly award, as the nameà suggests it is an on the spot, instant, spontaneous award. It is not even a performance basedà award. As per this award the first level managers would recognize the employee. The purpose of this award is to recognize the employees who go extra mile or whoà perform above and beyond the call of duty , and many such exceptional courtesies. REWARD: The first level manager or supervisor can recognize the eligible employee, asà he/she can very well observe the employees and their deeds at the working place. PART IV RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS: Monetary as well as the non-monetary awards both are equally important but the main aim is to reward or recognize employees time to time. The recognitions like congratulatory cards, wall of fame, public applause, public recognition is of great importance. Performance should be considered as the criterion for rewardingà There should be rewards or recognitions such that the employee can get toà celebrated the reward with his family members as well. The managers should make sure that he has one-to-one interactions with their employees and colleaguesà Rewards should always be achievable and not out of reach by employees. CONCLUSION Closely related to employee satisfaction and morale, employee motivation may be considered both an action and a status. The action occurs when management takes steps to foster a work environment where employees are self-driven to perform their job tasks at a level that meets or exceeds managements standards. In todays turbulent, often chaotic, environment, commercial success depends on employees using their full talents. Yet in spite of the myriad of available theories and practices, managers often view motivation as something of a mystery. Thus the pertinence of identification of the motivators in the varied spheres of Social, Mental and Physical dimension take precedence. A positive motivation philosophy and practice improves productivity, quality, and service Motivation helps people: Achieve goals; Gain a positive perspective; Create the power to change; Build self-esteem and capability, Manage their own development and help others with theirs.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Definition of Year-round school :: essays papers
Definition of Year-round school Year round schools as cited by the thesaurus in the ebsco host states that year round schools are ââ¬Å"schools that operate year-round but have not increased the number of days students must attend.â⬠Education week on the web states that year round education is ââ¬Å"A modified school calendar that offers short breaks throughout the year, rather than the traditional summer vacation. The calendars vary as do the reasons for switching to a year-round schedule. Some schools stagger the schedules to relieve crowding. Others think the three-month break allows students to forget much of the material covered in the previous yearâ⬠(2002). History of traditional calendar school It is important to understand the reasoning behind the traditional nine-month calendar school year to understand why certain people believe there is a need for change. Woodward, A.C. (1995) ââ¬Å"At one point in time, farming was the primary source of income for families, and everyone in the family was obligated to help. With this in mind, school calendars were scheduled to revolve around the harvesting and planting of crops.â⬠However, the farming population in America dramatically decreased, although the shift away from farming had occurred, the change in the school calendar had not (Huitt, 1995). It is presumed that the school calendar did not change because of tradition of summers as vacation time and the temperatures. Because of the lack of air-conditioning, most schools opted for summer breaks due to the extreme heat and humidity (Glines, 1992). II. Implementing Year-round school ââ¬Å"As determined by the New York State Board of Regents (1978), this school schedule encouraged forgetting. Longer breaks between formal instruction inhibited a student's ability to retain information.â⬠(Woodward, 1995). Many year-round school advocates also argue that year-round school will ease overcrowding, enhance student learning and retention, and reduce cost. (Ballinger, 1988). Alcorn (1992) stated, "If students' longest break from the classroom is one month instead of three, it is possible to avoid what can be called the long summer of forgettingâ⬠(p.13). Ballinger (1988) asserts that it is time for a change in the school calendar because ââ¬Å"the customary long summer vacation disrupts the continuity of instruction that curriculum planners desire.â⬠He states that a less interrupted flow of instruction will help and enhance the knowledge learned of most able students by not reviewing at the beginning of each year and wasting time.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Social Experience
Social Experience Social experience is a lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture. The interaction of humans has been studied through the ages by thinkers of all types Darwin, Watson, Freud, Meade and Paigets. They all came up with a different view of how we develop socially. How important are the roles of family, school, peer groups and the media on our personality development or is it all preordained and instinctual. There are two different theories of what happens in the beginning.Charles Darwin and Sigmund Freud believed that human behaviors were biologically based, that we have instinct for human competitiveness, sexual and emotional bonding, and aggressive behavior. The other school of thought as studied and proven by John B. Watson, Jean Paigets, and George Herbert Meade was that behaviorism or instincts are learned. Home is where the heart is and the beginning of the most important part of our skill set in interacting with oth ers and molding our personalities? Family is where we look for nurturing in the early childhood stages.Ideally family would be the foundation where the child would be given a safe and caring environment, teaching them skills, values and beliefs. In situations that lack this there are various levels of dysfunction that appear. This was proven by Harry and Margaret Harlow in the study of social isolation of young children. Total isolation of the child for six months or less will cause them to become passive, anxious, and fearful when introduced to groups of people, anything longer than that and the child will never fully regain the ability to function in society.Young children learn from their environment and are in the sensorimotor stage as Jena Paigets proclaims in the theory of cognitive development. They experience the world only through their senses in the ages of 0-2 years. Preoperational stages follows after that from 2-6 years using symbol, language and the beginnings of imagi nation and mental thought. The progression of learning in the family teaches us about our race and class in society. People born into a lower class family are not only affected financially but expectations can be lower.Families in struggling environments push conformity to help the family get by but these stresses of social inequality can make disobedience more prevalent. Families of higher standings or wealth can focus on good judgment, creativity and looking to the future. Schools become the second agent of socialization. It enlarges the social world of the child. Gender roles start to emerge. Boys tend to engage in more physical activities outdoors and behaviors inside the classroom can become more aggressive. Girls on the other hand typically do chores like help the teacher. They are quieter and better behaved.This brings into play the concrete operational stage of cognitive theory when children become aware of their surroundings. They focus on the how and why of things. Schools also teach an education curriculum some of which is apparent but there is also a hidden curriculum, such as spelling bees teaching children there are winners and losers, sports teaching skills of cooperation and competition. School is the first exposure to how the bureaucratic world works with the impersonal rules and strict schedules. This gives them the skill set to cope with the large organizations that may employ them.The third agent is the peer group; a social group whose members have interests, social position and age in common. George Herbert Meade has a theory of the social self. The Self or personality is composed of self awareness and self image; it develops only with social experience. It requires imagining the situation from the others point of view. The peer group can facilitate the knowledge of forming relationships outside of the family. It gives individuals a chance to discuss things of interest that might not be interesting to a parent or a partner.It produces soci al ties that lead to loyalty and pride in their peer groups which can lead to putting other groups down. We strive for anticipatory socialization which is the learning that takes place to help a person achieve a desired position, like Eagle Scout in Boys Scouts. The power of peer groups can be positive or negative to an adolescent. Challenges of gaining their identities in the absence of the family can leave the peer group as their only source for information. Teenagers are growing up faster every day because of divorce and both parents working.They become self sufficient sooner out of necessity rather than choice. The mass media itââ¬â¢s everywhere 24/7 and it is teaching our children. Is that bad? Socialization through the media is with us for good. There is one set for every person today. We spend half our free time watching it. Critics on both sides of the political arena have reservations about it. The liberals feel television plays a part in promoting racial and ethnic ster eotypes. The conservatives think television is dominated by the liberal elites and their message. The true concern for socialization is the amount of violence on the airways.Can it be healthy for a young child to watch people killed or better yet play a video game and be the one doing the killing? Media should never become the babysitter, parent and friend. The mind will become an unimaginative place if we stare to long at someone elseââ¬â¢s imagination. It is already taking a toll on the health of our children with obesity rates getting higher every day. I can remember playing outside on the neighborhood streets till dusk. Riding bikes and walking to the local grocery store. Television is a good form of entertainment I fear based on the material in the book.It is becoming an obsession. The most important part of socialization will always be the family. This is where you should be able to go to feel safe. This is where you start and can continue to have a foundation to life. In t he reading of the many theorists there is development along the way but none of it as important as the things you learn in the beginning. Family is your tribe, your survival group. It doesnââ¬â¢t necessarily have to be a blood relative but the socialization needs to begin somewhere with someone for us to become a responsible member of society.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Should You Guess on the SAT 6 Guessing Strategies
Should You Guess on the SAT 6 Guessing Strategies SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips It can be hard to know when to guess on the SAT, especially since the recent overhaul has changed for the test is scored.But the truth is more straightforward than you might expect! Read on to find out whether you should guess on the SAT and what you can do to maximize the number of correct answers you end up with from guessing. Should You Guess on the New SAT? The SAT used to have a guessing penalty of a quarter of a point per incorrect answer. This made the question of whether you should guess on the test much more complex.Depending on how many answers you could eliminate, it might have been a good or bad idea to guess within the remaining choices.Guessing incorrectly on four questions would lead to a loss of a full point in your raw score whereas if you left them blank, you wouldnââ¬â¢t have any points subtracted. With the new version of the test, this guessing penalty is gone!This means that the answer to the question in the heading of this section is yes. You should answer every multiple-choice question on the new SAT, even if you have to guess.If you get all of them wrong (which is unlikely), you wonââ¬â¢t be any worse off than if you didnââ¬â¢t bother to answer. This will come as a relief to many students, but you should still be cautious about guessing unless youââ¬â¢re almost out of time and are forced to fill in random bubbles.Donââ¬â¢t resort to blind guessing too quickly when you get frustrated with a question just because you know you wonââ¬â¢t lose points; youââ¬â¢ll end up selling yourself short.The next section will give you strategies for smart guessing on each part of the test. Blind guesses: usually not the best option. Strategies for Making Educated Guesses Here are some strategies that will help you to avoid guessing randomly and increase your likelihood of choosing the right answer. Reading #1: Listen to Logic The SAT Reading section includes challenging passages that come from real scientific and historical writings. This means that the answers to questions about details in the passage should align with your ideas of what makes sense for the topic. Here's an example of a question that asks about an adapted excerpt from Elizabeth Cady Stanton's address to a Women's Suffrage Convention in 1869: If you're trying to guess on this question, you can eliminate some answers even if you only know the bare minimum about the content of the passage and US history as a whole. Choice A doesn't really make sense because the problem that Stanton is fighting against is long-term control of society by men. She probably wouldn't argue that "the control of society by men" was a recent development at all. Choice B also seems incorrect for larger reasons. It's unlikely that anyone would claim that the spread of war and injustice was a recent historical development at that time in history. Choice C doesn't make sense because women, not men, had traditionally dominated domestic life. This was especially true at the time that Stanton was speaking. Choice D is the answer that seems most plausible if we look at the question logically. Only recently had women begun to be appreciated as human beings on an equal intellectual footing with men (although still to a limited degree obviously, since we didn't get the right to vote until 1920...sigh). This strategy only works for some questions, but it shows how you can sometimes guess without reading the passage and still come up with a likely answer. Keep your wits about you. If something doesn't make logical sense to you, you should listen to that feeling. #2: Use ââ¬Å"Find the Evidenceâ⬠Questions An interesting development forthe Reading section on the new SATis the introduction of ââ¬Å"find the evidenceâ⬠questions.These questions will ask you to choose a quote from the passage that best supports your answer to the previous reading question.Although this could be dangerous because getting one wrong might also mean getting the other wrong, it might actually help to ground you in your decision about the most valid answer to the original question. Hereââ¬â¢s a pair of questions from a new SAT practice test that illustrates my point.For context, in the passage Akira is a young Japanese man who is meeting a woman named Chie to ask for her daughter Naomi's hand in marriage before he accepts a job in America. Letââ¬â¢s say you arenââ¬â¢t sure about the answer to question 9. You think there are a couple of different possibilities, and none of the answers seems totally out of the question.You can check the evidence listed in question 10 for hints that might give away the answer to question 9.One of those lines must provide direct evidence for the answer. The lines for each choice in question 10 read: A. ââ¬Å"I donââ¬â¢t want to trouble you.â⬠B. ââ¬Å"Normally I would approach you more properly, but Iââ¬â¢ve received word of a position. Iââ¬â¢ve an opportunity to go to America, as a dentist for Seattleââ¬â¢s Japanese community.â⬠C. ââ¬Å"Depending on your response, I may stay in Japan.â⬠D. ââ¬Å"I see Iââ¬â¢ve startled you.â⬠Now, let's look back at question 9 and evaluate the choices. Thereââ¬â¢s nothing about the speakerââ¬â¢s parents in the evidence, so we can cross off A.Thereââ¬â¢s also nothing about Akira's fears of Naomiââ¬â¢s rejection, so B is a no-go as well.There is clearly some evidence for C in choice B on question 10, so we can keep that one.There doesnââ¬â¢t seem to be clear evidence for D either; although the statement is true, itââ¬â¢s not the reason the speaker feels this is a matter of urgency, and itââ¬â¢s not explicitly mentioned in the quotes for Question 10. We can conclude that the answers to these questions are C and B respectively. If you use "find the evidence" questions wisely, you can go from taking a blind guess on two questions to feeling relatively confident in your answers to both. Crap, this question reminded me that I really should go to the dentist. Or even get to the point where I have an adult dentist (a dentist that treats adults, that is. My dentist isn't a child, I just happen to like putting Play-Doh in my teeth and pretending it's real fillings). Writing #3: Choose the Shortest Answer In the Writing section, the right answer is usually the one that's the most clear and straightforward.If you canââ¬â¢t decide between a couple of different choices and they both seem like they could be correct, pick the one that has the least number of words in it.Hereââ¬â¢s an example: Typically, the ice sheet begins to show evidence of thawing in late summer. This follows several weeks of higher temperatures. In this case, A is the correct answer because it allows for a combination of the two sentences without including any superfluous or repetitive words.This doesnââ¬â¢t work for every question, but if you have to resort to guessing, itââ¬â¢s a good rule of thumb to follow. #4: Read Back Your Options Again This may seem obvious, but if youââ¬â¢ve narrowed down your choices to a couple of options, it doesnââ¬â¢t hurt to read them back to yourself again in the context of the passage.Even if you donââ¬â¢t know the grammar rules, reading things back in your head may clue you into answers that feel ââ¬Å"off.â⬠If you read a sentence like this under non-test conditions, would it sound right? Or would you think it was weird? Thereââ¬â¢s a tendency to twist perception to feed doubts you have about eliminating odd-sounding choices because of the pressure involved on the SAT.If you make an effort to be more objective and think of the question apart from the stressful context of the test, incorrect choices may become obvious. Don't get it twisted. Math #5: Plug It In If you think youââ¬â¢ll have to resort to guessing on a math problem that involves solving an equation, and you arenââ¬â¢t too short on time, you can try plugging in all the possible answers.You have a good chance of answering correctly if you do this, even if you had no idea how to solve the problem originally.This is a case where putting in just a little extra effort into your guess can reap some serious rewards. #6: Use the Visuals The math section includes many diagrams that illustrate the scenario described in the problem.If youââ¬â¢re not sure how to solve a math problem, and it has an accompanying visual element, you should make a logical guess based on the visual.Hereââ¬â¢s an example (from a sample practice test for the new SAT) of what I mean: By looking at the diagram, you can tell that thereââ¬â¢s only one answer that makes sense even if you don't know how to solve the question. Angle 2 is clearly larger than a right angle, so it must have an angle measurement greater than 90 degrees. This means that the first three answers are all too small to be a good fit based on what we can see in the diagram.The answer has to be D, 145 degrees! Extra-Special Bonus Section: Guessing on Non-Multiple Choice Questions There's also no penalty for incorrect answers on grid-in Math questions.You either get one point for a correct answer or no points for a blank or incorrect answer. Guess if you think you might have a shot at the right answer. Even if you don't feel confident, you have nothing to lose. I want to emphasize what makes these questions different from multiple choice on the guessing front. The grid-ins are the only questions where you shouldn't guess if you have absolutely no idea what the answer is. Itââ¬â¢s a waste of time to fill in those bubbles at random because the chances of getting the correct answer that way are astronomically low. It's like rolling dice, but with way more sides than the number that regular dice have. Conclusion You should answer every multiple choice question on the SAT because thereââ¬â¢s no guessing penalty! However, you also need to be meticulous in your guessing strategy so that youââ¬â¢re not just filling in bubbles at random.If you want your guessing success rate to be higher than it would be through pure chance, you should follow the tips Iââ¬â¢ve given you in this article. To Review: Reading 1. Eliminate choices without direct evidence 2. Use find the evidence questions as anchors Writing 3. Choose the shortest answer 4. Read the choices back to yourself objectively Math 5. Plug in the answer choice 6. Use the visuals Special Note on Grid-Ins Guess if you think you might know it, leave it blank if you have no clue! With a little bit of extra thought on the new SAT, you can turn your blind guesses into answers that make you feel pretty confident. What's Next? If you're not sure how to prepare for the new SAT, check out this article for some study tips! Since the new SAT is out of 1600 instead of 2400, you might not have a good idea of what your target score should be. Find out how to calculate a good goal for yourself here. It's possible that the ACT will be a better standardized testing choice for you than the new SAT. Learn more about which test aligns more favorably with your strengths and weaknesses. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by SAT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
In what ways is the process of essays
In what ways is the process of essays The process of globalisation itself is challenging and changing our understanding of government and democracy in the 21st century. These ways have been influenced by various principles associated with the state sovereignty and liberal democracy. In this Briefing Paper, however, I will only illuminate two of these principles, which I regard as the most important ones. I am going to argue that the globalisation of the economy, as well as in the environment, cause huge challenges for governments and democracies. These challenges include diminishing control over a defined territory through factors such as international (non)- governmental organizations and transboundary pollution. One of the most important principles achieved in The Peace Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 was the establishment of the state sovereignty, which had an ulterior motive that states hold absolute power over their own territory and population. However, in the last few decades, the state sovereignty has being eroded by factors such as interdependence, and particularly through globalisation. In addition, the core principles of liberal democracy include self- governance, the demos, consent, representation, and popular sovereignty. These principles are coming under certain pressures in many different respects. Of these principles, the globalisation of the economy, as well as in the environment, show to be major influences to liberal democracies and domestic governments. In 1998, Held argued that liberal democracy assumes a direct and symmetrical correspondence between government and the governed (Held, 1998). However, under the conditions of globalisation this correspondence is disrupted since, in an increasingly interconnected world system, sites of power can be large distances away. This shows to be the first big challenge for liberal democracies. What I mean by sites of power? Global economic processes, such as trad...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Social studies lesson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Social studies lesson - Essay Example To maintain the pluralistic nature of Americaââ¬â¢s society, each participant in this society should be appreciative of oneââ¬â¢s ethnic and background while being tolerant to others. To promote appreciation of oneââ¬â¢s ethnicity and appreciate other peopleââ¬â¢s origin, a month dedicated to commemorating a certain ethnicity shall be held which in this case is the Black History Month. Participating students in this activity will benefit in terms of knowing their own history in the case of Afro-Americans. Other students of different racial origin will also benefit from the commemoration of the Black History month as the event will also serve as a learning exercise for them about Americaââ¬â¢s past and the Black Americanââ¬â¢s struggle. In the process, it is expected that students of other racial origin will become more tolerant and accepting of each othersââ¬â¢ racial background given the understanding of other studentââ¬â¢s racial struggle. America is already an egalitarian society where discrimination no longer or barely exists. Racism is already not tolerated and everybody now can freely pursue whatever their aspirations are. But this freedom seems to be taken for granted. It is hoped that after this lesson plan has been delivered, the black community in the class will become more appreciative of what they have right now given the struggles their forebears had to undergo just to give them the opportunities that they now enjoy and make the most out of it. This lesson plan shall be done in succession where activities are planned in bits for the students to absorb the essence of Black History Month better. While there are lectures and video presentation, discussion and sharing of experiences and point of views are also integrated into the lesson plan to make the learning process more interactive. The games and contests designed for the Black History month are intended to be enjoyable to facilitate easier learning in an atmosphere of fun and socialization. In the
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Computer Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Computer Security - Essay Example To understand the corporate motivations of the creative industry players to invest fully into DRM we must look at the implications of these technical protective measures. With the growing and wide spread advent of new digital video recording, distribution technologies, and the widespread availability of internet piracy measures of technology having a direct impact on the distribution channels and sales of these industries the critical concern faced by these corporations is the fact that they cannot compete with freely available copies of their content. The movie studios are particularly effected as competing with free is concerning for them mainly because their content is more prone to single use consumption than the other industries such as music. A range of industry wide efforts have been undertaken that have build up to the adoption of DRM. Such as Serial Management System for digital audio tape that was authorized by the Congress which aimed to make difficult the task of making f aithful copies of copies; a measure that was made obsolete after the proliferation of other digital mediums.
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