Thursday, February 13, 2020

Hershey's Sweet Mission Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hershey's Sweet Mission - Term Paper Example This paper analyses the given case; Hershey’s Sweet Mission in terms of relevant human resource management theories. Recommendation for the redesign of Hershey’s performance management system to appeal to the diverse groups that it employs According to Lindbom (2007), â€Å"the foundation for effective performance management is the importance of including people development as part of the long-term strategic plan of an organization† (p.103). The contributions of the older employees are as important as the contributions of the younger employees. Hershey’s performance management system is giving more focus to the interests of younger employees. The case says that Hershey’s performance management system is appealing to the younger generations’ eagerness for challenge, autonomy, and results. At the same time, it says nothing about the contributions of baby boomers or old age employees. The contributions of young and elder employees are equally im portant for an organization. Hershey should realise this fact very well and should give more considerations to the contributions of the elder employees also. It should be noted that the fresh ideas brought by the younger employees need some fine-tuning from the experienced ones before its implementation. Knowledge management theory says that an organization’s performance is heavily dependent on the knowledge of its workforce. Experienced workers definitely have knowledge that is more practical even though fresh workers may have more theoretical knowledge. Both theory and practice are important for an organization like Hershey. So, Hershey should recognize the needs of the experienced workers as important as that of the fresh workers. Armstrong-Stassen and Templer (2005) argue that, although there are many training programs for older worker, it is important to take into account the experience of the older employees and redesign the training and the method accordingly (p.57). M odern organizations like Hershey often gives more emphasize to the needs of younger employees while formulating training programs. Moreover, these training programs often cater the needs of local employees. Since Hershey employs employees from different parts of the world, its training programs should give more focus to the needs of the diverse workforce. Lee (2005) stresses the importance of future-oriented performance management and evaluation system (p.53). Hershey should redefine its performance management system by giving more focus to future rather than present. How I would interpret the values that Hershey embraces in relation to my role, if I was a Hershey’s employee With regard to employees, Hershey’s mission statement says that the mission involves â€Å"winning with an aligned and empowered organization . . . while having fun.† Moreover, â€Å"Aligned† employees should share values, be clear about how their work contributes to the organizationà ¢â‚¬â„¢s mission, collaborate effectively, and be selected, equipped, and rewarded for meeting company objectives. If I was an employee in Hershey, I should work in accordance with the mission statement of Hershey. In other words, I should make sure that all the activities performed by me are in line with the vision and mission statement of Hershey. I should give more focus to the company objectives instead of my own personal preferences. For example, If Hershey asks me to

Saturday, February 1, 2020

An Outline History of the World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

An Outline History of the World - Essay Example It is possible that this pagi consisted of specific clans which later migrated and got divided into large families which were headed by the father, the paterfamilias. Each of these, in turn, had acquired possession of slaves of both genders, called famuli, in the beginning from the native land and later from other regions. The slaves, like women and children, were excluded from the participatory realm of governance in the polis. Individual rights were restricted to the adult male community, in a similar manner to the Greek system, on which the early Roman civilization has borrowed a lot. However, as Boris Piotrovsky points out, there is a different version to the legend of the founders of Rome, Romulus, and Remus, as â€Å"they were the sons of a slave woman and the hearth deity†. 1 Hence the history of ancient Rome, the rise of its Empire, glorious battles and its eventual fall is replete with references to slaves, predominantly from the perspective of the dominant community but interspersed with events that were the first instances of slave revolts which led to legendary epochs. Tacitus’ Annals presents a case of the city prefect Padanius Secundus’s murder by his slaves. The general sentiment regarding the case was to execute all the slaves who were employed in his house. There was a riot in which some members of the Senate were concerned about the cruelty involved in such a decision, taking into account the fact that the slaves included many women and children who were ostensibly innocent. However, the strong arguments made by Gaius Cassius in support of the decision to execute all the slaves won over this concern by some senators to â€Å"eliminate excessive cruelty†2. According to him, â€Å"if we must die, we will not be unavenged nor will the guilty survive†.Â